[English follows Japanese]
「敷居を踏む Step on the Threshold」は、訪れる人を屋内と屋外、アートと自然、そして日常生活と美術制度のあいだの空間へと招く展覧会です。本展では、私たちが当たり前に受容している境界線の〈敷居/閾(しきい)〉に存在するアートのあり方を探ります。
5人の出展アーティストは作品を通し、完成された形態よりも、こうした変容そのものを見つめます。それは画然とした境界を、周辺環境、物質、社会、制度といった側面から問い直す実践です。ウォーキングツアーや〈注釈 (Footnote) 〉、そして陳列館内に設けられた資料・考察・記録のためのスペース〈中庭〉は、内と外、アートとそうでないものといった一見硬直した区別を、相対的なものへと再構成する試みです。
Step on the Threshold invites visitors to inhabit an intermediary space between the inside and outside, art and nature, the everyday and the institutions of art, in order to explore the ways that art exists on the threshold between prevailing boundaries. The exhibition features artworks by five contemporary artists working in varied mediums, connected to a daily program of workshops, performances, and walking tours that blur the inside and outside of the traditional gallery space.
Shikii ga takai (“There is a high bar for entry”) is a phrase often used to describe contemporary art in Japan. A common architectural feature of Japanese houses, a shikii is a rail for sliding doors—a threshold which demarcates one space from another. The custom that one should not step on shikii renders the threshold as something that exists but not to be engaged with. The threshold is an interstice of transition often perceived as an uncomfortable “middle state.” But, as Walter Benjamin points out, it is also a “magical zone” of potentiality where new realities come to life.
What distinguishes the sounds of wind, the myriad of rocks, the intimate stories we encounter everyday from ones we see labeled as art? How do our daily experiences color our reception of artworks? Can our encounters inside the gallery transform the way we see the outside world once we step out? This exhibition highlights the connections between the experiences each visitor brings from the “outside” and those they take home from “inside” the exhibition.
Through their work, each of the five participating artists contemplate these transitions, rather than their finished states. Their pieces problematize clear-cut boundaries—environmental, physical, social, institutional. The walking tours and interpretive captions, as well as a designated space for resources, reflection, and documentation, reframe the seemingly rigid distinctions between inside and outside, art and non-art, to a relative one.
The past few years have proved that unceasing connection to and stimulus from the internet and social media lead to polarizing senses of certainty. In our present world of political and social division, growing inequality, and obliviousness to difference, the ambiguity offered by the experience of the threshold challenges the information bubble in which each of us is locked. We hope that visitors can use art to explore this intermediary space and be inspired to connect with their environment in new and challenging ways.
[English follows Japanese]
The exhibition, Step on the Threshold, will hold daily events including walking tours in the surrounding area, workshops, an artist roundtable, and more.
*Most events require online RSVP. Please click here to RSVP.*
*The Chinretsukan Gallery will be the starting point for all outdoor events.
*In the event of rain, the outdoor portion of events will be canceled or moved indoors. We will inform registered participants via email of any changes on the morning of the event.
Sat. March 23rd
12:30 – 3:30 PM
ファシリテーター:吉濱 翔
A free and easy walk with the artist Syo Yoshihama: Hanami viewing alongside pleasant conversation and Japanese sake drinking. The alcohol bottles will become tools for field recordings: after the sake bottles are emptied, small microphones will be placed inside in order to create a unique environmental soundscape that participants can listen to through headphones. No special skill or prior knowledge is required, so please join us. Headphones will be provided by event organizers but participants can also bring their own.
Facilitator: Syo Yoshihama
Max. participants: 7
Duration: 2 – 3 hours
Caution: 20+ age requirement (includes alcohol drinking).
Participants need to bring: A picnic blanket for sitting, a cup for drinking sake
Sat. March 23rd
4:00 – 4:30 PM
The performance examines the artist’s Japanese-Irish-British heritage, inspired by an encounter with a family sewing box in Kyoto. Through the box’s contents, Shigemura Lee creates a patchwork that connects her various family histories while evoking nostalgia for an unknown time. The performance draws upon clowning and mascot character behavior to create an alter ego that provides a joyful method for celebrating diversity and expressing emotions through humor. (RSVP encouraged but not required.)
Max. participants: 15
Duration: 30 min.
Sat. March 23rd
5:00 – 7:00 PM
Artists participating in the exhibition will discuss their artworks through the lens of the Threshold and discuss how their art practices tackle the imposed artificial boundaries between art and non-art, exhibition space and non-exhibition space.
参加アーティスト:うら あやか、唐沢絵美里、ジャスミン・重村・リー、横手太紀
参加アーティスト:うら あやか、唐沢里央、ジャスミン・重村・リー、横手太紀
The talk will include brief introductions to the artists and exhibited artworks, discussion with the moderators, and a Q&A session.
Participants: Ayaka Ura, Lio Karasawa Grabill, Jasmine Shigemura Lee, Taiki Yokote
Max. visitors: 30
Duration: 2 hours
Sun. March 24th
1:00 – 2:30 PM
本ツアーでは、都市環境における動物の表彰を追って、谷中に点在する「薄い場所(Thin Places)」をつないで歩くことを目的とします。
Traverse the ambiguous space between inside and outside in a tour guided by exhibition curators. Each of the four unique tours starts from the Chinretsukan Gallery and explores the exhibition before venturing outside.
This tour follows representations of animalia in the urban environment with the goal of defining a constellation of “thin places” in Yanaka.
Facilitator: Benjamin Korman
Max. participants: 10
Duration: 1.5 hours
Sun. March 24th
3:00 – 5:00 PM
Facilitated by students of Tokyo University of the Arts’ Printmaking Department, participants will use the unique gariban printmaking technique to create their own artwork captions inspired by objects from their daily life, discuss their everyday aesthetic experiences, and explore the ways art impacts our lives.
Participants are encouraged to take part in the curator-led walking tour taking place at 1:00 and occurring every 30 minutes until 4:00 PM. (RSVP encouraged but not required.)
Facilitator: Tokyo University of the Arts Printmaking Department
Max. participants: 30
Duration: 1-2 hours
Thu. March 28th
1:00 – 2:30 PM
Traverse the ambiguous space between inside and outside in a tour guided by exhibition curators. Each of the four unique tours starts from the Chinretsukan Gallery and explores the exhibition before venturing outside.
The tour breaches the distance between past and present, presence and absence, exploring the traces art leaves on our surroundings, even after the artwork ceases to exist.
Facilitator: Lyudmilla Georgieva
Max. participants: 10
Duration: 1.5 hours
3月28日 (木)
Thu. March 28th
4:30 – 5:00 PM
The performance examines the artist’s Japanese-Irish-British heritage, inspired by an encounter with a family sewing box in Kyoto. Through the box’s contents, Shigemura Lee creates a patchwork that connects her various family histories while evoking nostalgia for an unknown time. The performance draws upon clowning and mascot character behavior to create an alter ego that provides a joyful method for celebrating diversity and expressing emotions through humor. (RSVP encouraged but not required.)
Max. participants: 15
Duration: 30 min.
Fri. March 29th
1:00 – 2:30 PM
ファシリテーター:宮澤 佳奈
Traverse the ambiguous space between inside and outside in a tour guided by exhibition curators. Each of the four unique tours starts from the Chinretsukan Gallery and explores the exhibition before venturing outside.
Facilitator: Kana Miyazawa
Max. participants: 10
Duration: 1.5 hours
Fri. March 29th
3:00 – 5:00 PM
Join a three-act live performance journeying from Ueno Park into the gallery space that explores improvised Butoh-inspired movements, a mascot character cabaret, and the inside of a sewing box.
The performance examines the artist’s Japanese-Irish-British heritage, inspired by an encounter with a family sewing box in Kyoto. Through the box’s contents, Shigemura Lee creates a patchwork that connects her various family histories while evoking nostalgia for an unknown time. The performance draws upon clowning and mascot character behavior to create an alter ego that provides a joyful method for celebrating diversity and expressing emotions through humor.
Max. participants: 10
Duration: 2 hours
Sat. March 30th
1:00 – 2:30 PM
ファシリテーター:張 一博
Traverse the ambiguous space between inside and outside in a tour guided by exhibition curators. Each of the four unique tours starts from the Chinretsukan Gallery and explores the exhibition before venturing outside. Participants need to bring: smartphone (with camera function)
Facilitator: Able Zhang
Max. participants: 10
Duration: 1.5 hours
Sat. March 30th
3:00 – 5:00 PM
Represent yourself through costume and find new relationships with your environment by creating your own mascot. This artist-led workshop addresses the complex interrelationships between animals, plants, anthropomorphized objects, identity and the cartoon-self.
The event includes warm-up performance exercises, costume creation (material provided by the organizer), mascot photography, and a parade through Ueno Park (optional). Please wear comfortable clothes and shoes for participating this event.
Facilitator: Jasmine Shigemura Lee
Max. participants: 8
Duration: 2 hours
Sun. March 31st
1:00 – 2:30 PM
Traverse the ambiguous space between inside and outside in a tour guided by exhibition curators. Each of the four unique tours starts from the Chinretsukan Gallery and explores the exhibition before venturing outside.
The tour breaches the distance between past and present, presence and absence, exploring the traces art leaves on our surroundings, even after the artwork ceases to exist.
Facilitator: Lyudmilla Georgieva
Max. participants: 10
Duration: 1.5 hours
Sun. March 31st
3:00 – 5:00 PM
Facilitated by students of Tokyo University of the Arts’ Printmaking Department, participants will use the unique gariban printmaking technique to create their own artwork captions inspired by objects from their daily life, discuss their everyday aesthetic experiences, and explore the ways art impacts our lives.
Participants are encouraged to take part in the curator-led walking tour taking place at 1:00 and occurring every 30 minutes until 4:00 PM. (RSVP encouraged but not required.)
Facilitator: Tokyo University of the Arts Printmaking Department
Max. participants: 30
Duration: 1-2 hours
Thu. April 4th
1:00 – 2:30 PM
ファシリテーター:張 一博
Traverse the ambiguous space between inside and outside in a tour guided by exhibition curators. Each of the four unique tours starts from the Chinretsukan Gallery and explores the exhibition before venturing outside. Participants need to bring: smartphone (with camera function)
Facilitator: Able Zhang
Max. participants: 10
Duration: 1.5 hours
Fri. April 5th
1:00 – 4:00 PM
ファシリテーター:唐沢 絵美里
所要時間:ワークショップ2時間 サイレント・プロテスト・マーチ 1時間
Using materials provided by the artist, create a protest placard and wearable patches while engaging in a casual discussion of the liberation of Palestine and its position at the intersection of oppression.This workshop will provide a safe space for people who are interested in learning about protest but are hesitant to participate. (RSVP encouraged but not required.)
After the workshop, the artist will lead a walking tour in the form of a silent protest march through Ueno Park.
Materials: Materials will be provided by the artist, but participants are free to bring their own t-shirts, cloth samples, paper, etc. for printing.
Max. participants: 30
Duration: Workshop: 2 hours. Silent protest march: 1 hour.
Sat. April 6th
4:30 – 5:00 PM
The performance examines the artist’s Japanese-Irish-British heritage, inspired by an encounter with a family sewing box in Kyoto. Through the box’s contents, Shigemura Lee creates a patchwork that connects her various family histories while evoking nostalgia for an unknown time. The performance draws upon clowning and mascot character behavior to create an alter ego that provides a joyful method for celebrating diversity and expressing emotions through humor. (RSVP encouraged but not required.)
Max. participants: 15
Duration: 30 min.
Sun. April 7th
2:00 PM
We will share an introduction and notes about the gathering at the beginning of the workshop. Please let us know if you are concerned about your face being shown in the photos. People with disabilities are welcome to participate. If you need assistance in accessing the 2nd floor, please ask at the reception desk.
Facilitator: Ayaka Ura
Note: Wear comfortable clothing. Don’t be cold.
Sun. April 7th
5:30 – 7:00 PM
本ツアーでは、都市環境における動物の表彰を追って、谷中に点在する「薄い場所(Thin Places)」をつないで歩くことを目的とします。
Traverse the ambiguous space between inside and outside in a tour guided by exhibition curators. Each of the four unique tours starts from the Chinretsukan Gallery and explores the exhibition before venturing outside.
This tour follows representations of animalia in the urban environment with the goal of defining a constellation of “thin places” in Yanaka.
Facilitator: Benjamin Korman
Max. participants: 15
Duration: 1.5 hours
展覧会名/Exhibition Title
「敷居を踏む Step on the Threshold」
2024年3月23日[土] − 3月24日[日]
3月28日[木] − 3月31日[日]
4月4日[木] − 4月7日[日]
March 23-24, March 28-31, April 4-8, 2024
10:00-17:00 (Last entry by 16:30) Free admission
うら あやか、唐沢里央、ジャスミン・重村・リー、横手太紀、吉濱翔
Ayaka Ura, Lio Karasawa Grabill, Jasmine Shigemura Lee, Taiki Yokote, Syo Yoshihama
Lyudmila Georgieva, Benjamin Korman, Able Zhang, Kana Miyazawa
Karry Jie
東京藝術大学大学美術館 陳列館 & 周辺エリア
Chinretsukan Gallery, Tokyo University of the Arts & Surrounding Area
12-8 Ueno Park, Taito-ku, Tokyo
主催/Organized by
Department of Arts Studies and Curatorial Practices,
Graduate School of Global Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts
共催/Co-organized by
Culture Vision Japan
協賛/Sponsored by
art school U
協力/Supported by
Tokyo University of the Arts Printmaking Department
Wakai Holdings Co., Ltd.
JR 上野駅 ( 公園口 )、東京メトロ千代田線根津駅 (1 番出口 ) より徒歩 10 分
京成上野駅 ( 正面口 )、東京メトロ日比谷線・銀座線上野駅 (7 番出口 ) より徒歩 15 分
Approx. 10 min. walk from JR “Ueno” station (Park exit) or Chiyoda subway line “Nezu” station (Exit 1)
Approx. 15 min. walk from “Keisei-Ueno” station (Main Exit) or Ginza and Hibiya subway line “Ueno” station (Exit 7)
*Please refrain from visiting by car as there is no parking.
本事業は、 東京藝術大学大学院国際芸術創造研究科が開設した授業の一環として実施されます。学生たちがキュレーション実践の理論や各自の研究活動をもとに企画を行い、協力者や来場者とのさまざまな交渉や反応を通して新しい学びの機会を得ることを目指しています。
This project is realized as part of a class offered at the Department of Art Studies and Curatorial Practices, Graduate School of Global Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts. Organized by students and informed by curatorial theories and individual research interests, the exhibition aims to create new learning opportunities through negotiations and correspondence with collaborators and visitors.